Mexican-American School Boards Association

Non-profit organization striving to the achievement gap of Mexican-American students in Texas public schools

Key Contributions

Seats at the Table: School Boards Members’ Perspectives on Race & Racism

  • Transcribed interviews with school board members from Arizona, Georgia, Texas, and Wyoming

  • Converted transcriptions into text for publication

  • Contributed to proofreading and editing additional chapters

  • Attended workshopping sessions with MASBA Director & members of The Center for Mexican American Studies at The University of Texas-Austin

Novel on Mexican-American Studies in American Public Schools (Unpublished)

  • Prepared a 66,000-word manuscript covering the history of Mexican-American Studies in the United States from the 1960s to the present day

  • Engaged in research through news, academic journals, film, and interviews with prominent figures in Mexican-American Studies

  • Conducted weekly check-ins with MASBA Director to discuss edits and strategic planning